Dwarf Battle Mage Guide: Skill Build

Once you attain Level 31 and completed the seven Class Change quests, a Dwarf Mystic has two available paths to choose. You can either become a Dwarf Battle Mage...
Dwarf Battle Mage Guide:

Once you attain Level 31 and completed the seven Class Change quests, a Dwarf Mystic has two available paths to choose. You can either become a Dwarf Battle Mage (DPS Wizard), or the Dwarf Sage (Supporting Healer). This guide will be focused on guiding you to build a Dwarf Battle Mange in an efficient manner.

The Battle Mage specializes in dealing damage effectively to enemies within an area. Her damage output is maximized when the enemies are relatively clumped up, allowing her to hit them with Earth Spike and Tri-Shard. In addition, she also brings value to party play by raising the party’s overall Atk. with Infighter.

Active Skills

Earth Spike

Dwarf Battle Mage Guide - Earth Spike

The Dwarf Battle Mage violently erects a stone pillar to deal damage and knockdown enemies within the area. This skill disables enemies with a knockdown lasting 3 seconds. In addition, the skill does inflict pretty decent damage to targets. Do note that leveling this skill does not increase knockdown duration.


Dwarf Battle Mage Guide - Tri-Shard

You will launch earth element shards in 3 directions, damaging enemies in their path. This skill moves forward in a cone-like fashion and works very well when enemies are stacked up. It is capable of dishing out high amounts of damage – much higher than that of Earth Spike, although it provides no crowd control utility.


Dwarf Battle Mage Guide - Infighter

This abilty invokes old memories resulting in increased Atk. for your party’s basic attacks. Take special note that this ability only affects basic attacks only. When activated, this ability last for a total of 30 seconds and has a cooldown of 40 seconds. This skill will be crucial buff for any party, as basic attacks form the largest part of the damage output.

Passive Buff Skill

Aggressive Mind

The Dwarf Battle Mage gains a chance to increase Atk. Power when attacking. You will possess a 10% chance of activating for this buff, which lasts for 6 seconds. Do note this skill applies not just for basic attacks, but is broader in coverage. While the Atk. boost might not be significant at early levels, it will prove imperative in the late game.

Lucky Defense

You have a chance to increase defense of you and your party members when attacking. You have a 15% chance of activating this buff for 6 seconds. Lucky Defense increases your party’s overall survivability and reduces the amount of damage taken by the front-liners.

Death Whisper

This passive applies a critical damage increase buff to you and your party members in the vicinity. This passive also increases the party’s overall damage output whenever they lend a critical strike. The benefits of this passive is further amplified if one of your party member brings a long a critical rate buff.

Skill Build Recommendations and Guide

Look to prioritize Passive Skills over Active Skills in general. However, do make sure you start off by investing a single level in every skill initially. These first levels offer great value for minimal investment of skill points.

For Passive abilities, make sure you continue to invest in Mage Weapon Mastery and Robe Armor Mastery. This will grant you a consistent and reliable boost in Atk Power. For purposes of maximizing damage output, you should invest into Aggressive Mind over Lucky Defense. In the event you participate in party play often, it would be worth your while to invest into Death Whisper too.

Moving on to Active Skills, prioritize Infighter as it is an excellent buff skill for a Dwarf Battle Mage. It substantially improves your party’s overall damage output. You should also invest into Earth Spike instead of Tri-Shard as the damage provides better damage scaling per level of skill.

How Good is  Dwarf Battle Mage in Lineage 2 Revolution?

The Dwarf Battle Mage is an excellent DPS class that is tankier than other mages, as the Dwarf racial grants additional survivability. However, this is at a trade-off for lower damage output versus Battle Mage of other races.

The Dwarf Battle Mage is an excellent choice for Party Play, as she brings strong attack buffs and high damage output. However, she does require a dedicated tank to ensure survivability. Dwarf Battle Mage are generally poor at tanking damage alone.