Elf Mystic Guide: Skill Build

An Elf Mystic has high stats for Evasion, MP, Crit Rate and Attack but she fairs poorly in terms of HP and Def. As such, she possesses the stats...
Elf Mystic Guide: Skill Build

An Elf Mystic has high stats for Evasion, MP, Crit Rate and Attack but she fairs poorly in terms of HP and Def. As such, she possesses the stats to deal high damage, but is relatively less tanky. The Elven Mystic is a Staff-wielding class that does damage from afar, hitting multiple nearby enemies at once. Upon reaching Level 31 and completing the 7 lass change quests, the Elf Mystic can choose between the Spellsinger (DPS) or Elder (Healer and Support). This guide will focus on the Elf Mystic (Level 1-31), covering the skills and best skill build.

Active Skills

Flame Strike [Staff Only] 

Elf Mystic Guide: Flame Strike

Launches a flaming ball to deal massive explosion damage and knockdown enemies. This will be your main training skill. It comes with a knock down effect, which allows you to deal extra hits to enemies whilst they are disabled.

Wind Strike [Staff Only]

Elf Mystic Guide: Wind Strike

Brings forth a gust of wind that penetrates through enemies in a straight line to attack. If your enemies are lined up in a single file, your skill will deal damage to multiple targets as well. This is your second damaging skill that will be useful for training.

Passive Skills

Elven Potential

Agile movements allow them to have a high Evasion against enemy attacks. This Elf racial trait starts off at max level, and gives a bonus to Evasion, Speed, and M. Atk. As an Elf Mystic, you will benefit from this passive buff more than other classes as it gives you M. Atk bonuses. The Evasion and Speed also helps to bolster your survivability.

Mage Weapon Mastery

Increases Atk when a Staff is equipped. This will come in handy as Mystics can only wield Staves. This is a critical skill to prioritise, since it enhances your damage output. Especially relevant if you have plans to pick the Elf Elder as your Secondary Class, as your heal quantum is based off your Magic Attack.

Robe Mastery

Increases Attack Damage when Robe-armor is equipped. This effect stacks up to 4 times. This armor mastery skill is unique as it grants offensive bonuses. The armory mastery skills of the other two classes (Warrior and Rogue) grant defensive bonuses instead. Mystics can only wear Robe Armor. Each piece of robe equipment adds 1 stack to the Robe Mastery buff – Headgear, Robes, Gloves and Boots are the available slots.

Skill Build Recommendations and Guide

In the early levels of the game, you will acquire sufficient skill points to level up most of you skills to their maximum level. However, we urge that you avoid doing so. It is critical that you save skill points for the later part of the game, when you have unlocked your Secondary Class. This is because each Secondary Class skill will cost you at least 110 skill points. Skill points are a scarce resource, especially if you are a free-to-play player.

It is highly recommended that you focus on leveling your Passive Skills first as they give you an overall damage boost for your Elf Mystic. Also level your Mage Weapon Mastery and Robe Mastery up to equal levels.

Moving on to Active Skills, if you find yourself breezing through early game content, it is recommended that you do not level up your active skills. If you really need to invest into Active Skills, you should never level them beyond Level 3. This ensures you have sufficient Skill Points to deploy after you obtained your Secondary Class.

How Good is Elf Mystic in Lineage 2 Revolution?

The Elf Mystic lacks a lot of survivability, but her high offensive capabilities in the later game compensates for her low health and defense. In conclusion, the Elf Mystic can be viewed as more of a support class rather than a DPS class in Lineage 2 Revolution. The early game content might be a bit difficult to clear as you lack much the needed damage and survivability. However, your time to shine will come once you unlocked your Secondary Class.