About Us

Lineage 2 Revolution Hub (L2RHub), was founded by a group of friends, who were dissatisfied with the quality of Lineage 2 Revolution guides on the web. We had to learn many things the hard way. Some even had to re-level and recreate their characters, as we opted for the wrong skill builds. We hope that you avoid the common mistakes we made whilst playing Lineage 2 Revolution, without any form of guidance.

Hopefully, this will allow you to spend more quality time playing Lineage 2 Revolution with your friends – instead of sweating the small stuff (e.g. how you should best invest your Skill Points). MMORPGs like Lineage 2 Revolution should truly be about the social experience. It is after all, an MMO (‘massive multiplayer online’) experience. We have heard too many rejections from friends who were hesitant to give Lineage 2 Revolution a shot, due to the extremely steep learning curve. We hope through Lineage 2 Revolution Hub, we can make this mobile MMORPG as friendly as it can be for newcomers.

Heavy Focus on Guides

Our content is heavily focused on simplifying the confusing choices, one might face when you enter the game for the first time. We look to cover every single available class in the greatest possible detail, across every single race. Regardless of whether you would like to play a pure support class, a high-DPS tank, or a pure DPS class – you will be able to find a class easily that suits your taste by browsing through our guides.

Each class guide comes with a detailed walkthrough (with visuals) of each of your class-specific skills. We then move on to talk about the most optimal skill build one should consider for each class. Skill Points are a scarce resource in the game, especially if you are Free-to-Play player of Lineage 2 Revolution. As such, it is important to invest your Skill Points in a way that maximizes the capabilities of your character. If you were to assign your Skill Points randomly, you might start running into problems clearing storyline content. As passionate players of Lineage 2 Revolution, the last thing we want to see is new players quitting the game out of such frustrations.

Our methodology for creating the guide is rigorous. We have written all the guides based off firsthand experience. As per all mobile MMORPGs, the game will constantly evolve with patches, nerfs and buffs. We are committed to staying on top of all these changes, in order to bring you the key takeaways you need to be aware of.

Lineage 2 Revolution Hub: Building a Community

Lineage 2 Revolution Hub also envisions to be a community built by players, for players. We welcome any feedback that you think will help us improve the site further. In addition, if you reckon you can contribute in a meaningful way to the site, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to speaking with writers who would like to produce content such as guides and news pertaining to Lineage 2 Revolution. Head on over to our contact page, to drop us a note, and we will revert as soon as we can.

Lineage 2 Revolution Hub